To register as a Seller, SMS "Daraz" space "Name" to 7575 now! You can also view a detailed tutorial on Daraz seller sign up here.
Daraz has over 30 main categories of goods that you can sell your products in, including fashion, electronics, FMCG, lifestyle, health & beauty to name a few. However, we do have items that are counterfeit, dangerous and prohibited by law or cultural norms which sellers must refrain from listing. View here.
Daraz Seller Center is a platform made specifically for Daraz Sellers where you can receive orders and sell across Pakistan by registering your products and uploading them on Daraz's online marketplace from where you receive the payment of your order directly in your account. For more information about Seller Center, click here.
Opening a shop on Daraz is completely free. However, Daraz does deduct a small percentage of commission from the payment of your orders. Each product commission depends on the type of category it falls under.
Before you sign up, make sure you're ready with the following: Business email address & phone number. ID Info (National ID for individual sellers, Business Registration document for corporate sellers, Brand authorization document for DMall sellers). A bank cheque copy with same title as ID information as Daraz will be sending payments from your sales to this bank account.
Log in to your Daraz Seller Center account and from the homepage, click on "Products" then select "Add Products." Enter all details of your products and description that need to be added and enter "Submit" on the bottom of the page and your product will be uploaded! Click here for a complete guide on product listing.
In case there are any issues in your seller signup form, our verification team will guide you by highlighting the incorrect information after which you can simply resubmit. Click here to learn more about seller signup rejection reasons.